For some, a time of reflection and drawing conclusions, for others… Exactly, others do not finish things started. We are at the halfway point of the holiday subscription to the Application Academy courses. Just as we remind you wishing you a pleasant reading!
[Power Apps] Not just Teams and SharePoint. Now Power Apps has a monthly review of new products. Very good! There is a lot of it and there will be even more. See the July rollup: What’s new: Power Apps July 2022 Feature Update | Microsoft Power Apps
[PowerShell] Gentlemen of Intrazone recorded a new episode of the podcast. This time not only about SharePoint Online. The main character is PowerShell. Definitely worth listening to: Microsoft PowerShell from server to service The Intrazone podcast
We shamelessly steal a sneak peek from their blog. We have not seen something so good for a long time:
PS C:\Windows\Users\MKashman> Connect-TheIntrazone -Site ”” Install-Episode83 -Name “PowerShell – from service to server” Get-Shoes Add-PodWalk -Scope CurrentUser -PermissionLevels “Self Control” Write-CoHosts Add-Inspiration -Source 08082002JSNOVER

[Power Platform] A very important topic for any Power Platform administrator. Seriously! Service Principal and how to configure it is a topic that you may already have reworked, you do not know how to do it, or you do not know yet that you need it. If you are in one of the last two groups, be sure to read: A Visual Guide To Power Platform Service Principal Setup (

[To Do] A small improvement in the To Do app. Tasks coming from Planner can be opened both in Teams and Planner itself. The change is expected to be implemented in August.

[Teams] The together mode will soon gain a new feature – the ability to indicate places on the stage for individual people. We didn’t expect that 🙂

[Google Workspace] Many facilities await mobile users of large screens! Among others: Drag & Drop in Docs, Sheets & Drive, keyboard shortcuts in Drive, Docs & Slides and two views of Drive at once. Is this a foretaste before the premiere of the Pixel Tablet? Improving the Google Workspace experience on large screen Android devices
[Google Meet] Enterprise plan users should enjoy the ability to stream meetings publicly using YouTube. One question remains to be asked: when will this feature be available for all plans? Live stream Google Meet events via YouTube
[AppSheet] AppSheet Automation is starting to blush. Another feature that should please all advanced in Apps Script. From now on, we can also use the values returned to us by the GAS script: Return Values in Apps Script Tasks